
Project overview:


  • Client
  • Date
  • Type
  • Services
    Design, front-end, back-end
  • Tags
    Design, front-end, back-end, thin-client, presentation, AJAX, CMS, player

SecureServices offers small computers which can be used to run presentations inside elevators. These computers contact a remote server to retrieve the various presentations, slides and settings for the specified elevator.

To give clients a easy way to manage their presentations/elevators, a user interface was developed in which presentations can be uploaded through drag & drop and extra settings can be specified such as the time(s) a presentation has to run, individual slide durations and transitions and if certain slides should be temporarily disabled. These settings can be copied to entire buildings or individual elevators. The super administrator can add new users which, in turn, can add their own buildings, elevators and units.

The computers inside the elevators run the Chrome browser to display presentations, for which a JavaScript and CSS player was built, making use of CSS and/or JavaScript transitions.


  • Posted by: Stefan

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In hendrerit turpis quis felis rhoncus et ultrices tellus facilisis. Aliquam sit amet ligula enim, et tempus velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse ultrices velit non tortor faucibus venenatis. Phasellus nibh arcu, semper at lobortis nec, porttitor quis nisi. Donec nibh lacus, hendrerit vel vestibulum sed, feugiat eu lacus. Nam ullamcorper erat et nisi rhoncus viverra luctus arcu semper. Nulla facilisi. Nullam dignissim mi vel velit euismod ultrices. Nam iaculis consectetur molestie.